Funeral of the National Bloc co-founder Suleiman al-Maasarani - Homs 1955

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Walking in the front row (left to right): Prime Minister Sabri al-Asali, Parliament Speaker Nazem al-Qudsi, Abdul Hadi al-Maasarani (brother of Suleiman), Secretary-General of the Presidential Palace Abdullah al-Khani representing President Hashem al-Atasi. In the back row Secretary-General of Parliament Fayek al-Nehlawi stands behind Prime Minister Asali and Interior Minister Ali Buzzo stands behind Speaker Qudsi. Behind Abdul-Hadi al-Maasarani is Deputy Chief-of-Staff of the Syrian Army Colonel Adnan al-Malki. Director of the Gendarmerie Gamal Faisal stands behind Abdullah al-Khani, and behind him in dark sunglasses is the Homs MP and ex-Foreign Minister Faydi al-Atasi.